
Sunday, May 21, 2006

Sunday sleep

Oliver started napping at about 5, an hour after our usual Sunday swim, and as at 9:40 he is still asleep. I changed his diaper and put him in a sleeper around 9, at which point he asked for the 'lellow car' (a yellow toy Citroën I bought for 25 cents this afternoon in a sidewalk sale).

I brought him up to his room and he seemed to sense that I was trying to place him in his crib - he began crying 'Daaa! Dyyyy!' - so I lay with him on the futon for a while. Soon he seemed to be fast asleep and I began trying to move away, but without opening his eyes, he uttered a curt 'Snuggle' (or 'Suggle', as he sometimes says) and I stayed with him for a little longer before I could move him into the crib.

Oliver has discovered a new vegetable he likes, which he calls 'fergus' (asparagus).


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